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Redenser + Serum is an advanced formulation that improves hair growth and reduces hair loss. It is useful in treating hair loss in men and women. It is a hair growth serum enriched with moisturizers that help protect hair follicles from dryness. It strengthens curly hair and also stops breakage. It also protects, strengthens and anchors hair follicles and promotes hair growth.

madforskin Rating – 9.2/10 – Must buy for hair fall issue

madforskin Verdict : If you are having hair fall issue and want to stop the hair fall, this serum is very effective and does the job in just 2 weeks of usage.

How to use ? Apply this serum on the scalp (hair roots) daily morning and night. Massage it for a minute and then leave it on. Do not apply on hair length. Redenser Plus hair growth serum has to be applied only on the hair roots or the scalp.

Key Ingredients of Redenser Plus hair growth serum :
Dihydroquercetin glucoside and Epigallocatechin gallate glucoside (Derived from Redensyl), Aminexil, Argan stem cells, Xylishine, Biotin, Promois Wj. and Calcium Pantothenate

Country of Origin : India